domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020



Exams are still the most popular way to assess the knowledge learned by students in each subject of the school year. Through them , teachers can know if students are prepared, but are exams the best way to assess students ?

There are different ways to Know if a student has reached the goals of the school year , so there are different ways to assess a student. One of them is the traditional method , in which the teacher explains the lesson , sends homework to do at home and then , at the end of the unit, he sets an exam to know if students have got the necessary knowledge.

Another way is to do one exam just at the end of the term . This exam contains all of the differents aspects learned during that year. However , I´m not sure that this way of assessment is totally useful because students usually "forget" to study during the term and they start to study one or two weeks before the exam.

The word "learn" means getting as much knowledge as possible and hold it in your mind as long as you can . However , this doesn´t happen in many of students because they normally learn something for the exam and then they forget it . They just do it to get a good mark .

I think the best way to assess a student is to do an exam after a unit because you have to revise the material and that improves learning.

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 COMMENT 20 We are still in the middle of a pandemic that started one year ago and that collapsed hospitals , caused many deaths , but right...